Apr 12, 2011

Daily Dose O' Drew

For those who were wondering...The Pose is still around!

We are in full on Molar Madness right now...check out those teething cheekies!

A glimpse into lunch w/ Drew while daddy's home making funny sounds...


Mary's Pics said...

I love Drew's little pose. It is important that he knows where he has been and where he is going.
I can't wait to see him .

Melanie J Williams said...

Love the laughter! It's contagious.

Andrew and Kala said...

Ohhhhh, loooove the laughing!! So cute!

The Poth's said...

Love the Daily Dose O'Drew..can't wait to see him tomorrow! I think he was talking some in that video too...what was he saying? Love his little laugh, soooo happy!

Keri Armentrout said...

that pose is AWESOME!

Richard & Natalie said...

I'm glad he still has "The Pose"!! He is growing up so fast! I wish that we still lived in the same town so the boys could play. (Notice, I didn't say glad you still lived in Hobbs-- I'm so happy you have a new home and life in Houston!).