Feb 4, 2006

Snow Day!

Too bad this snow day fell on a Saturday! No time off from work for us, actually Matt is working from home all day creating some DVDs for his office. He's learning multimedia pretty quick!

Molly has been sitting in an office chair by the window for almost two hours - just staring at the snow. She's completely in awe of it all! We put her outside and the little priss came running right back to the door! How would she have ever survived as a hunting dog?? HA

The only bad thing that we've discovered about Dish TV is - bad weather = no tv!! We can't watch TV when it is snowing or raining or windy. Wonderful. I'm actually surprised that we have an internet connection right now bc we're on wireless and piggybacking from the neighbor (shhhh)!!!!! Awful, I know.


Jan 29, 2006

Hi Ho

Long time, no post!
We've been keeping ourselves busy these past few days, so I have been slow at the blog updates!!

First of call - Congrats to my cousin, Suzanne and her new husband, Jeremy, who were married last night in San Antonio! We weren't able to go to the wedding, but hope to see lots of pictures soon.

Our friends the KOFAHLS are on their way down to visit as we speak! They should arrive from NY around 10pm and will be here till Friday. Matt & I have to work, and they'll be at a conference during the day, but we'll get to hang in the evenings.

Matt learned to change the oil today!! Our new Wal-Mart (on the North side) doesn't have an oil-change place! Can you believe that??? What kind of "Super" Wal-Mart is this? I'm thinking they're getting a little lenient on the doling out of the "super" titles.... Anyway, my cute hubby took it upon himself to learn to do the changing. Our poor garage floor....but I am so impressed!

Oh, I just discoverd the wonder of a SWIFFER. Everyone needs one. Be sure to get the wet and the dry disposable Swiffer thingys. They're safe for hard-wood and tile and are AWESOME. I am no fan of a broom and dust pan - the Swiffer is magical. Snaps for Swiffer (especially if you have puppies that shed or a husband with dirty shoes).

Well, I'm sure I'll post again in about a week or so (at this rate)!

Keep it real foolz.