Last weekend Drew's MDO held a Spring Fling. He LOVED the petting zoo and overall had a good time. A couple of other kids didn't have such a good time, due to our little man. First he ran up and stole a little girl's basket and dumped all the eggs out. She was probably 8 and her basket was super fuzzy. Drew grabbed it, put his face on it and said "Night Night" and cuddled that basket so much. Oops. Then, he saw another little girl, about 5 years old, with cotton candy. He ran right over, tackled her and stole her cotton candy!! We have a lot of work to do with this little man! He's my precious boy and I sure do love him! Enthusiasm is definitely one of his stronger character traits. I really don't think he was trying to be mean, either time. We just have to work on noticing other people's feelings.

Drew preferred playing with the Cozy Coupes to Easter egg hunting!
Now this was pure orneriness! Pulling the goat's ear!!
We're continuing to try to figure out these seizures. Not fun. Long story short - we had a hospital stay in March due to some pretty major seizures. Drew's on seizure medication now and it will take some time and adjustment to get the dosage right. We would love your prayers as our precious boy goes through all of this. You can't tell from the pictures, but he has a lot of work ahead of him as far as recovery from his March seizures.
We're continuing to try to figure out these seizures. Not fun. Long story short - we had a hospital stay in March due to some pretty major seizures. Drew's on seizure medication now and it will take some time and adjustment to get the dosage right. We would love your prayers as our precious boy goes through all of this. You can't tell from the pictures, but he has a lot of work ahead of him as far as recovery from his March seizures.