Dec 5, 2012

Some light reading at nap time...

I think naps may be a thing of the past. He is definitely still having quiet/alone time , though, and enjoying a little light reading in in every book is off the shelf and on his bed. He cracks me up!

A good morning

A good morning to Drew = 2 waffles! He slept great last night. Yay!!

Dec 4, 2012

No Crib Update

Naptime hasn't gone anywhere near as well.  I had to go in and raise the blinds because he is a wild man and was pulling on them.  Then, on the video monitor, I saw him stick his tongue in the telephone jack.  Awesome.

Party NOT in my crib!

Drew's first night of freedom went surprisingly well last night! We stripped his room of all furniture and plan to add pieces back as he matures. This wild one would be climbing the dresser if we left him alone with it! He also would dive head first over the side of a toddler bed (he dove out of his crib already!!!), so for now he's camping out on just his mattress. Roughin' it, for sure. Last night he wasn't quite sure what to think about his new freedom. He spent an hour and a half playing in his room before he finally fell asleep on his bed.