Andrew Luke Fleharty was born today, January 26, 2010, at 1:43pm. He weighed 7 lbs 5 oz and is 20 inches long. He has a full head of dark hair and we won't know about his eyes for awhile. Right now they are navy blue. He was born via c-section because the doctors were concerned about his heart rate during labor. I'll spare you all the details :) We LOVE him and of course think he's very handsome (even Matt said he's cute and he thinks newborns are ugly - ha)!
Matt, Cindy & Drew Fleharty
P.S. We have much more graphic pics of the actual surgery. If you're interested let me know and I will email them to you! They are pretty gross :)
P.S. We have much more graphic pics of the actual surgery. If you're interested let me know and I will email them to you! They are pretty gross :)