Aug 28, 2010

Puppy Bud

Today, I needed to vacuum the rug so I put Drew and his puppy in the swing for about 2 minutes. When I was done vacuuming, I saw this. I love how Drew has his arm around the pup! HAHA. They are best buds.

Aug 27, 2010

Monkey Luva

Drew is 1/2 Monkey. I'll let you guess which half.

Warning: This is not a baby post! :)

Oh, Lemi Shine! Where have you been for the last 4 years of my life?? We have lived in this area for 4 years and I just now discovered Lemi Shine. I think all of Southeast NM/ West Texas needs a new law. Whenever you move into this area the realtor should be required to tell you about Lemi Shine. HELLLO HARD WATER!
Recently our water just took a major turn for the worse. It got to the point that we quit drinking it all together and actually bought a water cooler/heater like an office would have! We have been pulling our hair out over our dishwasher too, convinced it was broken. We were looking into buying a new one because of all the white nasty stuff that was building up on our dishes. The only thing that would take it off was hand washing them in white vinegar...GROSS. So I started researching online and found Lemi Shine. The fact that it's made in Midland gave me great confidence. Those people feel my pain!
Here's an example of a bowl after being washed in our dishwasher without Lemi Shine...


(washed in same dishwasher, using Lemi Shine)

Oh, Lemi Shine, I love you!

Aug 26, 2010

7 Months Old 8.26.2010

Guess who's getting to be a big boy??

Mmmmm, pureed bananas!

This boy is sure loved a lot!!

Aug 24, 2010

Fun Times with a Cutie Pie

Drew helping me do laundry...

"If you think I'm handsome you should see my daddy!"