Nov 1, 2008

Much Randomness

This week was Red Ribbon week at school and Wednesday was 70's day. Here are my awesome co-workers! 5th grade rocked with matching shirts (except they only had 2 of the dark one) and matching necklaces. These girls keep me laughing all week! FLOWER POWER!

Love my little Molly! She got a new toy and a new tag, so here she is with her cuteness.

One of the topics we cover in 5th grade is the Renaissance, and of course Michelangleo is an important person to study during that unit. The central office sent over this book for us to use while teaching the Renaissance. Sounds great, right??? I was a little shocked to see "Art Tattoos" as part of the materials, but even more surprised when I opened them up...

Who would give these tattoos to FIFTH GRADERS? Hiiiiilarious!