Feb 7, 2008

Santa Fe

Matt and I took a trip up to Santa Fe to attend a Senate sub-committee meeting (Corporations and Transportation). We went to speak on behalf of a bill that we are working on with Senator Gay Kernan. The bill is for a breast cancer license plate --- it will cost $35, $25 of which will go directly to fund a program that screens and educates underprivileged women about breast cancer.

Senator Kernan has been AWESOME!!! She is absolutely amazing. How often is it that you can have an idea, meet a senator at dinner, tell her your idea and then bada-bing, it's a BILL?? I'm feeling refreshed about being an American these days.

We got to Santa Fe and were both prepared to speak, although I was hoping I wouldn't have to! Matt is the ham in our family!! Matt had contacted several big-wigs from cancer organizations so they were also there prepared to speak. When the time came, Matt and Senator Kernan spoke to the committee. Matt did a great job - he's born to be in the spotlight. Then they voted and the rest of us were off the hook. The vote was unanimous!!

I just got a call that the bill passed through the big senate vote 38-0. Unanimous again!! Now, we just need it to pass through the house and then we can all get ready to have pink ribbons on our license plates.


Sarah said...

That is sooo cool! I am so proud of y'all! What a great lesson in the legislative process!

The Poth's said...

That is pretty cool....way to go! Are you telling your students about it?

Emily said...

That is so cool!!! Plus, it is a GREAT excuse to visit Santa Fe. :0)

Mary's Pics said...

Cindy and Matt,
I am sooooooooo proud of you. what a great thing tht you have done ....just think... because of you did many women's lives might be saved. I am so proud that you cared enough to take action.
Also, what a great adventure.

guajardo fam said...

Cindy & Matt, that's awesome! Way to take action, ya'll are great citizens!!!:)