Oct 4, 2008

You're IT!

Ok, so I got tagged by Sarah, which I have mixed feelings about! There's a lot of pressure here! I am not as talented a writer as Sarah, but I guess I will play along.

1. I do my makeup in the car on my way to work. Every day. (Which probably explains why I ended up with eyeliner on only one eye the other day).
2. I am not a germaphobe in any way (evidenced by my cleaning skillz), except when on an airplane. Circulated air freaks me out.
3. I can eat more pizza than any full grown man I've ever met. Seriously.
4. Sometimes I don't check my mail for days on end because I don't want any more paper in my house.
5. I love my dog more than some people love their kids!
6. I used to donate blood not for wholesome, unselfish reasons, but because I thought it would burn a lot of calories for my body to reproduce a whole pint of fresh blood!


Now, if you're tagged, here's what you do:
1. Post the rules on your blog
2. Write 6 random things about yourself
3. Tag 6 people
4. Please pass it on for fun...

Kristi, Mom, Brooke, Laura, Traci, & Emily (all three of you, Emilys :)


Sarah said...

You're a trip, my friend! I especially love the part about donating blood - HA!
I knew you would post about your randomness and that it would be funny. Thanks for playing along!

Brooke said...

girl you need to get to updatin!!!

Anonymous said...

lol,so nice