Mar 1, 2007

Move over Chicago!

Hobbs is the new WINDY CITY! Let me set the scene for you North Texans and Kentuckians...
Yesterday I pulled up to go to class and parked in a normal parking spot next to another car. As I was getting out of the car, my door got caught in the WIND. I, of course, grab on tighter to the door to keep it from hitting the other car (and having to pay for the damage)! In doing so, I didn't know I would sacrifice my own body for the cause! The door kept right on sailing and took me with it. Who knew I was so light that the wind could just blow me away (HAHAH)! I FELL....HARD....on the pavement. Bloody hands and all. (Quit laughing!!!!) And on top of that, all my papers went flying. By the time I even looked up they were gone -- past the building, etc. On top of THAT, the wind has claimed two boards from our fence (one snapped in half) AND taken off several rows of shingles from our shed.

Move over ain't got nothin on HOBBS!


Anonymous said...

Poor Thia! I love your vivid descriptions! We have been getting some pretty serious wind here, too. We had to repair three sections of our fence last weekend. So... I feel your pain. :) Love you!

The Poth's said...

My goodness...that's insane! I can picture it now...wish I was there to watch :o) hehe!

Mary's Pics said...

OH MY, I am so sorry that you were blown out of you car, landed on the hard ground and got hurt. ;o(
It always makes me sad when you get hurt.
We get wind here too. Don't you remember when the wind blew the tree in our front yard down. It was the day that you and Kristi came home from Falls Creek. Our back fence was blown down too.

Mary's Pics said...
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Wesley said...

I thought I would return the favor, since you commented on my blog. When you are 6'6", 230 lbs, you don't regularly get tossed by the wind, but since you are not of those dimensions, you might want to find a way to not dent other people's cars!! And where is Hobbs, KY anyway???