Oct 15, 2010

My Lil Lamb

The time has come...my precious baby has outgrown his swing! Let me preface by saying that Drew LOVES him some swing. Love is an understatement. This swing is his happy place, or should I say...was. We weighed him (just on our bathroom scale) and he's coming in at a whopping 23 lbs. The weight limit on the My Lil Lamb swing is 25 lbs. Thankfully, he's a good crib napper, but it's still a sad, sad day at the Fleharty casa!

Last Hoorah in the swing!

Last nap in the swing!

Love my big boy. So hard to believe he's not a baby anymore :)


halie said...

So sweet! Can you believe how tiny he used to be? They grow up so fast!!

The Poth's said...

Bittersweet...so much fun to watch him grow, but it's way too fast!

Mary's Pics said...

Enjoy every second because it DOES go by too fast. You take a breath and the next thing you know .....it is 30 years later.