Sep 15, 2010

Poindexter Ladies Retreat

Last weekend Drew and I headed to Midland to pick up grandma at the airport. From there we drove down to Sonora for a weekend of relaxation at the T-Saucer ranch. Our cousin, Lolabeth hosts a family girls' retreat each year and it is SO FUN! Drew was the only boy, but his cute cheeks let him get away with sneaking in this year. Thanks to Lolabeth & Cleve T for letting us invade their home!
Grandma even bought Drew some cowboy boots to wear on the ranch. LOVE.


The Poth's said...

Oh my...I am so jealous! Wish I could've been there! And I LOVE those boots! He's a true Texan/New Mexican...haha!

Matt and Cindy Fleharty said...

Wish you were there w/ miss K-rae!

Sarah said...

How fun! What a neat tradition!

I think that the real cowboy boots officially solve the cowboy vs. rocker debate. Cowboy all the way! ;)