Jul 23, 2010

Day in the Life of Drew

The other day I pulled out some of his 6-9 month clothes and, lo and behold, they were too small already! This outfit is a size 12 months!!! He is still technically only 5 months old. That's a big boy!

**Let's just say there was an explosion and the outfit didn't make it all day with Drew. I decided to spare you the pics.

So Mr. Drew had a mid-day bath. Here he is as a baby burrito!

And all clean!


Mary's Pics said...

He IS getting so big and SO cute.
I love his smile when he was wrapped up like a baby burrito!!!

The Poth's said...

He is going to kill you one day with that naked booty on the WWW! :o) But I love it, he's so cute! I just noticed your Do/Don't slideshow too...hilarious!

Angie said...

he is so cute Cindy!!